Saturday, July 25, 2009

At Home Literacy activities

Hello friends, I want to introduce a new segment of the blog called at home Literacy Activities. I will provide info on various activities that you can do at home with your child.These activities are inexpensive and can be done with alot of things you already have.

Reading Activity One:

Magazine Book Collage


Scissors(child scissors)
Construction Paper
Hold PuncheR

You can get creative with the list of materials.

This activity is really simple; it promotes literacy, family involvement. A love for books, craeativity.
Skills: Print Awareness, Creativity, Language Development

You and your child will create a storybook from pictures in a magazine.

Take old magazines and help your child cut them or tear them out. Tearing is great for young children to develop fine motor skills.

Take the construction paper(as many pieces to make a book) and make five hold punches on the side

Bind the construction paper together with yarn

Let your child draw pictures on the front of the book; use glitter to create designs

Cut Pictures from magazines; paste to the pages

Have your child to help you create a story to go along with the pictures. Tell your child that as he/she tells the story you will assist them with writing it underneath the pictures or if they can write and spell have he/she do it.

Ask, if there is anything else; that should goin the book.

Let your child sign the book as Author.

Once you are finish,read the story together.


  1. I LOVE this !!!! Definitely going to try this one! Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a Neat Activity! I tried it this afternoon with Natasha (my granddaughter) thanks for sharing...

  3. What a cute blog and fun activities for kids
    thanks for sharing your blog at

  4. I am happy tto know these activities were helpful@Angel
